Health Predictions Portal

Health Predictions



Work Type:

Services Completed:

Key Features:


Health Predictions provides home and workplace pathology and paramedical visits in all capital cities and some rural centres. They also provide General practitioner visits in most capital cities and can arrange a specialist home or workplace visits. They also help provide information about a customer's health for life and health insurance providers.

This site is a fully customized portal, it allows doctors and nurses to view and schedule in appointments. I also allow customers to see their medical history as well as results. There are two main highlights in the site which are the report generation and the automated follow-up of the engine. The report generation takes the live data and provides a report on any particular patient the doctor may have. This gives the doctor an overview on what appointments they have, what they have taken and the results of their tests. These reports are also provided to the insurance company in a more restricted fashion to allow them to better tailor their medical coverage.

The follow-up engine also takes this information and automates updates, notifications and report generation. Before an appointment, it will send out a text reminding the patent and the person taking the appointment (doctor or x-ray technician). It will notify the insurance company and email a new report when a test result has been taken and submitted.

The site was built in Laravel and the base design was in Bootstrap. There were a number of libraries used as helpers for the PDF (tcpdf) and the SMS messages (twilio). The most difficult part of the project was security as you are dealing with the storage and distribution of a person's medical information. So everything had to be locked up tight and secure ensuring we are using top of the line encryption and server firewalls.